• nybjtp

Heavyweight Hooded Sweatshirt Custom Clothes Jacket Autumn and Winter Loose Pullover Hoodie Sweatshirts with Paj Ntaub Sau Lo Lus Logo

High quality combed paj rwb heavyweight hoodie & sweatshirt, xoob lub xub pwg poob khoom xim ntxiv fleece hoodie customized txiv neej hooded loj loj.

Peb yog cov chaw muag khoom muaj zog ntawm txhua yam khaub ncaws, suav nrog hnyav hnyav hoodie, tsis tu ncua-pwm hoodie, sib txawv ntawm T-shirts, txiv neej lub tsho, poj niam lub tsho, me nyuam lub tsho thiab lwm yam T-shirts.

Txais tos sab laj nrog peb pab neeg muag khoom yog tias koj txaus siab rau peb cov khaub ncaws ntau yam.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe




Khoom Taw Qhia

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Lub hoodie & sweatshirt yog ua los ntawm 95% paj rwb, hnyav hnyav style, nws cov ntaub hnyav yog 400gsm, nws haum rau lub caij ntuj no, xoob thiab xws li ntau zaus.Nws kuj yog ib qho ntawm kub muag style hauv peb lub tuam txhab.
Ntshiab xim match ntau temperament yooj yim style, exquisite lus qhia lub exquisite craftsmanship tshaj plaws.
Customization kuj tau txais kev txhawb nqa, xws li luam ntawv logo, paj ntaub logo, silk screen luam ntawv, caj dab tag thiab ntxuav daim ntawv lo thiab lwm yam.
Tsis tas li ntawd, peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv kev pabcuam rau koj yog tias koj xav tau cov qauv los kuaj xyuas qhov zoo, thiab peb nruj heev rau kev tswj xyuas qhov zoo ntawm peb cov khoom.
Kev xa khoom sib txawv muaj rau koj, koj tuaj yeem xaiv ib qho raws li koj xav tau.


.Ntau xim tuaj yeem xaiv;
.Heavyweight ntaub, sov style;
.Tsis yooj yim rau pilling, xws li thiab ntau yam;
.Kev tsim khoom hnyav, tsim kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo.

COLOR xaiv

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Khoom npe: Tshiab xoob lub xub pwg poob khoom xim ntxiv rau fleece hoodie kev cai dawb paug luam tawm logo
Style: Cov khoom hauv Tshuag
Qauv: Khoom
Lub caij: Lub caij ntuj no thiab lub caij nplooj zeeg
Khoom siv: 95% paj rwb
Loj: S-5XL
Customization: Silk screen printing, tshav kub hloov luam ntawv, ncaj qha tshuaj tsuag luam ntawv, woven daim ntawv lo, ntxuav tag thiab lwm yam.
Shipping: Shipped los ntawm kev nthuav qhia (DHL, FEDEX, UPS, TNT), los ntawm hiav txwv, los ntawm huab cua
Moq: 50pcs pib
Qauv: Txhawb nqa (Ib puag ncig 5-7 hnub ua haujlwm kom tiav)

Kev kho kom haum

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Silk screen printing Digital printing Paj ntaub

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Direct spray luam ntawv

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  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb